Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk


Thank you for joining us for CARST2020 - ONLINE April/May 

Virtual Conference Presentations - les présentations virtuelles

The virtual conference is now over, however you can find recording for each session below.

Virtual Vendor Cafe

View the recording here.

Duration: 1 hr

Eligible for 1 credit of Professional Development for C-NRPP Professionals

Vaut 1 crédit de formation continue (développement professionnel) pour les professionnels du PNCR-C.

Ecosense Introduces its Family of Radon Detection Products for Professional Use

Presented by: Peter Foller


Mitigating Radon in homes using the Fantech Hero HRV and Radostat

Presented by: David Innes

CARST Annual General Meeting/

ACSTR Assemblée générale annuelle

Présentation bilingue.

Duration: 2 hrs

Eligible for 2 credits of Radon Industry Participation for C-NRPP Professionals

Vaut 2 crédits de formation continue (participation à l'industrie du radon) pour les professionnels du PNCR-C.

The Great Canadian Radon Map: Webinar

This presentation was recorded on April 21, 2020

View recording here.

Duration: 2.5 hr

Eligible for 2.5 credit of Professional Development for C-NRPP Professionals

The BC Radon Data Repository: an initiative to support public health research and planning                                                                          Presenter: Jeffrey Trieu

Health Canada Mapping Work                                        Presenter: Colin Gutcher

Creating a national radon database for the U.S. in collaboration with states and national radon testing laboratories                               Presenter: Michelle Monti

C-NRPP Mapping Progress                                             Presenter: Pam Warkentin

Additional Research Referenced during the discussion:

7 Signs of a Difficult House

This was recorded and still available to register online.

Duration: 2h

Eligible for 2hs of C-NRPP Approved Continuing Education Course Credits

Registration Fee:

$25 CARST members

$40 non-Members

Wouldn’t it be great to have the benefit of hindsight after completing a difficult job that took way more time and effort than you had anticipated?  Join us for “7 Signs of a Difficult House” where we will talk about clues you can look for which may indicate a tricky mitigation.  If you know it’s a tricky job from your walk-through you can price it accordingly, set the customers expectations and have a “plan B” worked out in advance which is much better than losing money, undershooting customer expectations and having unexpected scope creep.  This should be a fun and interactive discussion so please share your “clues” in the after discussion!    

Colin Dumais, BSc.

After finding and mitigating radon in his family’s home, Colin Dumais founded RadonWest Ltd; offering radon testing and mitigation services and radon resistant construction design. Passionate about renewable energy and energy efficiency, Colin works to raise radon awareness and ensure that mitigation systems are designed efficiently and economically using enhanced diagnostic methods and procedures. Colin is a C-NRPP trainer; certified in both measurement and mitigation.

Comment s'adresser aux médias - Les bons outils

Présentation en français.

durée: 1h

Vaut 1 crédit de formation continue (développement professionnel) pour les professionnels du PNCR-C.

le recording ici

Présentatrices: Virginie Karagirwa and Victoria Pickering

Le radon est devenu un sujet plus présent dans les nouvelles. Et pour en parler, les médias choisissent souvent des professionnels dans le domaine, vous. Afin de maintenir ce statut et d’assurer que le radon continue d’être d’actualité, ce webinaire vous propose :

  • Une vue d’ensemble sur les médias aujourd’hui :
  • L’importance d’avoir une présence dans les médias;
  • Comment les médias et les journalistes fonctionnent;
  • Ce que les journalistes attendent de vous.
  • De vous outiller avec des connaissances et des astuces pour réussir vos entrevues avec les médias.   
  • Une période de temps où vous pourrez poser toutes vos questions au sujet des médias et du processus d’entrevue!

Le webinaire sera présenté par l’agence de relations publique Pickering Communications, spécialiste en relations de presse depuis plus de 20 ans.

Radon and Real Estate in Canada/Radon et l’immobilier

This presentation was recorded in English on April 29 and in French on 30 avril 2020.  

Download the English recording here.

Radon & l’immobilier ici.

Duration/durée: 1.5 hr

Eligible for 1 credit of Professional Development for C-NRPP Professionals

 Radon, Real Estate and Short Term Testing / Radon & l’immobilier

Presenters: Pam Warkentin, Erin Curry and Jeff LeBlanc

Radon in Real Estate: Transforming BC's Indoor Environments

Presenters: Noah Quastel

Discussion: Radon and Real Estate in Canada

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