Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk

CARST Member directory

Members of CARST are motivated to protect Canadians from radon exposure.

They may be involved in research, developing and marketing products or services to help test or reduce levels.  

They have signed a Code of Ethics that states they will operate with a high standard of technical professionalism, will interact with others with a high standard of integrity and fairness and ethics. 

Members who are certified for Radon Measurement or Radon Mitigation are certified through: C-NRPP - Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program

All certifications require the individuals to complete applicable courses and appropriate certification process which may include performance testing and on sight instruction.  You can find more information about the certification process on the C-NRPP website, Steps to Becoming a C-NRPP Professional.


Services Provided:

Radon Measurement Professional: provides a full service of testing and analysis; they will come to your home or company to place and retrieve tests and provide your with professional advice on the results

Radon Mitigation Professional: provide services to assist in RADON REDUCTION techniques as applied to residential structures and may provide services for commercial structures

Radon Test Kits for D-I-Y: provide tests kits for homeowner's to purchase to place and return to the lab; contact the company for more information 

Radon Device Laboratory/Manufacturer: provide services to assist RADON PROFESSIONALS in obtaining radon devices for their professional services


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© 2011-2024 Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (CARST/ACSTR). All rights reserved.

CARST is proud to unite members from across Canada, which encompasses the traditional territory of many First Nations, Métis Peoples, and Inuit whose ancestral footsteps and rights extend beyond the colonial boundaries that exist today. We respectfully honour these Peoples' rights, history, and relationships with this Land.

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