Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk

47 photo(s) Updated on: 11 May 2015
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  • Question panel with (from left to right) Frank Lohmann, Liang Grace Zhou, Zachary May, Kathleen Cooper and Lisa Gue.
  • Kathleen Cooper has a question for the panel comprised of (L to R) Jim Burkhart, Greg Baytalan, Arthur Nash and Mathieu Brossard.
  • Jim Burkhart discussing school testing in Alaska.
  • Arthur Nash discussing school testing in Alaska.
  • Mathieu Brossard taking the floor.
  • Gunn-Berit (GB) Neergard answering a question with Angelika Kunte to her left.
  • Pam Warkentin answering a question from the floor.
  • Gunne-Berit (GB) Neergard discussing the development of radon awareness and policy in Norway.
  • Martin Freeman discussing radon initiatives in the UK.
  • James McLaughlin providing an overview of the European Radon Association.
  • Steve Mahoney providing an update on legislation regarding radon in Ontario.
  • 100 people strong at the 2015 CARST conference.
  • New CARST Board of Directors: Anne-Marie Nicol, Bob Wood, Steve Mahoney, Mark Diplock, Scott Cryer, Alan Whitehead, Rob Mahoney, Lauren Lipka, Marcel Brascoupe, Colin Dumais
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