Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

Helping Canadians Reduce Radon Risk

CARST Presentations

(Please remember these presentations are for viewing only, if you would like to use any images or material, you need to contact the presenter for permission prior to using the material.)
To see a complete Conference 2015 Program.

Monday Sessions:

Scott McDonaldBC Lung Association

Aaron Goodarzi, Canada Research Chair in Genome Damage and Instability Disease

Pierre Lane, BC Cancer Agency

Tom Kosatsky, BC Centre for Disease Control

Sandra Kruecki, Canadian Cancer Society BC

Kelley Bush and Deepti Bijlani, Health Canada




Steve Mahoney, Radiation Safety Institute

Winnie Cheng, Health Canada

Gregory Jean, AYKOW France


Jim Bagley, Levelton Consultants


Pam Warkentin, C-NRPP

Roshini Kassie, NB Lung Association 



Angelika Kunte, National Radon Centre of Austria

James McLaughlin, European Radon Association

Rebecca Coates, propertECO

Martin Freeman, propertECO



Gunn-Berit Neergard, GEM Radon Detectors

Mathieu Brossard, Santé Canada

Greg Baytalan, Interior Health Authority, BC

Arthur Nash, University of Alaska, Fairbanks and Jim Burkhart, University of Colorado- Colorado Springs

Kathleen Cooper, Canadian Environmental Law Association

Lisa Gue, David Suzuki Foundatioin

Liang Grace Shou and Frank Lohmann, National Research Council of Canada


Zachary May, Building and Safety Standards Branch, Government of BC


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