• 25 Mar 2017 10:50 AM | Anonymous

    President's Message -March 2017 

    It’s already March, and the 2017 CARST Conference is fast approaching.  This year, along with the Annual General Meeting, we’ll have new appointments to CARST’s Board of Directors.  With that in mind, we’d like to take a moment to highlight the work of our two outgoing Directors.

    Michel Deschamps is one of the pioneers of radon measurement in Canada.  A founding member of CARST, he has sat on the Board of Directors since our inaugural meeting in 2010.  As a physicist experienced in radiation protection, he brought a scientific insight to the board.  As a French-speaking Quebecer, Michel also helped connect with CARST’s Quebec membership and spent countless hours translating documents and advocating for measurement professionals across the country.  Michel was Treasurer of the Board of Directors, and a valuable member of the CARST/C-NRPP Education Committee; providing valuable input as part of our course review team.  Michel provided great enthusiasm and support in the early days of starting CARST, which was a much-needed attitude. We all enjoyed Michel’s humour and insight and his contribution to CARST’s growth and development is greatly appreciated.

    Steve Mahoney was elected to the CARST Board of Directors at our annual conference in Winnipeg in 2013. His extensive political and public service experience at both the federal and provincial levels has been invaluable in helping CARST develop strategies to advocate for legislative change to building and labour codes. As the former President & CEO of the Canadian Radiation Safety Institute, Steve passionately campaigned to raise radon awareness in the workplace and successfully engaged a number of trade unions, most notably the Boilermakers, who are now strong radon advocates and generous supporters of CARST. The board will miss Steve’s contribution at our monthly meetings, along with his wit and wise counsel; not to mention his keen Irish sense of humour.

    As Michel and Steve step down, the Board of Directors looks forward to welcoming new members.  We had a great response to the call for nominations, and CARST members will have their pick among several highly-qualified candidates who have offered to bring a wealth of experience to work on CARST’s behalf.

    Involvement in CARST doesn’t end with the Board of Directors, however. We have several committees; each dedicated to putting CARST’s goals into action. Consider joining a CARST committee:

    • The Membership Committee is currently working on some changes that could bring many new faces to CARST.  An increased membership means increased benefits for all CARST members.  Join up and see how you can help!
    • Education Committee: are you passionate about keeping the standards for radon education high?  With every radon test and mitigation CARST members perform, we strive to maintain the highest standards in accuracy and radon reduction.  At the same time, we educate one more Canadian family.  Why not join the Education Committee and help to ensure that our education courses continue to push us to excellence?
    • The 2017 CARST Conference may be just around the corner in beautiful Banff, but we’ve already got some ideas brewing for the 2018 Conference.  The 2018 Conference Committee will need new ideas and fresh energy.  Why not join up and help put your own spin on another great event? 
    • C-NRPP Policy Advisory Board: Help shape the policies that govern the C-NRPP program.  As we strive for increased professionalism in the radon industry, we develop new policies to maintain the highest caliber of certified professionals.
    • Public Awareness Committee: New this year!  Do you have experience in marketing and public awareness?  Would you like to help CARST solidify our position as the radon authority in Canada?  If so, please sign up now and help this brand-new committee get up and running!

    Arthur G. Scott Achievement Award

    Finally, as many of you already know, the Canadian radon industry lost a founding father last September with the passing of Arthur G. Scott.  Arthur was a pioneer; developing soil depressurization systems and laying the groundwork for much of the work we do today.  In honour of his life’s work, CARST is pleased to be awarding the Arthur G. Scott Achievement Award for contributions to the radon industry.  The inaugural award will be presented at this year’s conference in Banff, and we ask that you send us your nominations for this award by March 31st at the latest.  As the name of the award suggests, nominees should be individuals who have made significant contributions to the radon industry in Canada.

    Radon awareness in Canada is growing, and CARST needs to grow as well if we’re to achieve our main goal of protecting Canadians.  Some exciting changes are coming to CARST as we adapt to meet the current needs of the radon industry.  It’s a challenging and important time, and we need your enthusiasm and involvement.  Don’t hesitate to step forward and participate!  Email us or drop by and see us in Banff! 

    Call to Action:

    Upcoming Events:

    Radon Mitigation Course - Moncton

    Radon Measurement - Mississauga

    2017 CARST Radon Conference/Congrès Radon ACSTR

    What's Trending:

    Ontario Building Code updates explained 

    Testing schools for radon – Kelowna

    Schools and Homes should be tested

    How to Test for Radon Gas in your Home 

    How to finish a basement properly – Nova Scotia

    Radon Gas in Guelph - What you need to know 

    Council Challenged Over Radon  – Kingston ON

    How Safe is The Air in That Home You Have Your Eye on? 

    For additional information on the various CARST committees or to sign up online, please visit the CARST website.  Not only will you have a chance to contribute to the radon industry and work with professionals from across the country, but involvement in the CARST committees also counts toward your C-NRPP Professional Practice credits.

    Join us in Banff 

    Get your C-NRPP Continuing Education Course Credits on Sunday, April 23, 2017

  • 20 Jan 2017 5:47 PM | Anonymous

    Register today.           Draft Schedule

    20 January 2017

    The 2017 CARST Conference is fast approaching, and we are pleased to share some of the highlights planned for this year’s event.  

    Our focus for this year is:
    Practical Solutions for RADON Industry, Awareness and Policy

    Each year, a new conference committee blends local flavor with innovative ideas and industry updates to bring together presentations and conversations that will be an asset to radon professionals across the country. This year is no exception, and we are excited about the conference plans so far!  Over the next few months you’ll be receiving regular updates featuring some of the new ideas featured at this year’s CARST Conference.

    Today's Conference Highlight  

    Saturday Radon Field Trip:

    First ever all-day practical radon field trip! This is no ordinary sight-seeing trip.  These sites will be practical spaces where you will learn hands on and earn 8hrs CE credits.  Choose your top 3 choices when registering.  More information here.



    Planning your Travel?  Banff is a Unique Destination!

    Majestic, picturesque and breathtaking; the Rocky Mountains are really a destination like no other.   Banff is a wonderful, quaint mountain resort town that must be experienced to be appreciated.  If you have never been to Banff this is a great opportunity to discover a national treasure.  If you have been to Banff, then surely you don’t need a reminder of why you want to return.  As an added bonus, all National Parks are providing free entry this year to celebrate Canada’s 150th Birthday!

    A unique destination requires unique planning.


    The low Canadian dollar means that we expect a large number of American visitors, so make sure you book your hotel room soon!  The conference is being held at the Banff Centre.  Nestled on the side of Tunnel Mountain on 43 serene acres, this is not your standard hotel.  You won't find the centre on any online booking service, as they book only through their reservation service and rooms are only open to those attending conferences at their facility.  All guests enjoy property-wide WIFI, parking, admission to the Banff Centre's Walter Philips Gallery, and PLUS membership at their fitness and recreation facilities.  Let's face it, Banff has lots of options in hotel room, and we booked a smaller block of rooms this year, so if you want to get into the Conference Hotel, book now!  (Conference rate ends March 21, but we don't expect the rooms to last that long.)

    Book your room reservation here at the Banff Centre.

    Air Travel: 

    If you are planning on flying to the conference, you'll land at the Calgary International Airport. All of Canada's national airlines and many international airlines fly into Calgary.  The international section has just been renovated and this is one of the nicest airports in Canada!

    From the Calgary Airport you'll need to rent a car or take a shuttle bus 150 km (90 miles) to Banff.  Make sure you factor in the travel time between Banff and Calgary when you book your flights.


    The Airporter

    Receive a 15% discount on the Banff Airporter’s scheduled shuttle service between the Calgary Airport and Banff Centre. Click www.banffairporter.com/book

    Proceed through the reservation and type - CARST - in the Promo Code section on the final payment page to receive the discount. Or call (888) 449-2901 and mention you are attending the CARST conference.

    Promo Code: CARST


    For travel between Apr 20 – 30, 2017 you can receive a 15% discount for all Brewster Banff Airport Express transfers.   Log onto http://www.brewster.ca/transportation/brewster-banff-airport-express/ for schedules and booking.

    Promo Code: CARST2017

    Driving and Car Rental

    There are lots of options at the Calgary airport.  Just Google car rental YYC.  Parking is free at The Banff Centre for all registered guests.

    Bear in mind that if you are driving or renting a car the Banff Park Entrance fees have been waived in 2017 for Canada’s 150th Birthday.  There’s no better time to take advantage of these beautiful parks! 

    Sponsorships are selling fast.

    Diamond Sponsor – 1 of 2 sponsors for the Sunday Meet and Greet - $5000

    • Includes 1 booth; 4 registrations; logo on the conference banner and co-sponsoring the Meet and Greet on Sunday evening

    Platinum Sponsor – 1 of 2 sponsors for the Monday Dinner out - $4000

    • Includes 1 booth; 2 registrations; logo on the conference banner and website; and co-sponsoring the Monday Night Dinner on Monday evening

    Bronze Sponsor – 1 of 4 sponsors of the Refreshment Breaks throughout the conference

    • Includes logo on the conference banner and website; and ½ page ad in the program

    Half Page Advertisement: $   150                       Full Page Advertisement: $ 300

    Email: info@carst.ca if you are interested in sponsorships.

  • 22 Dec 2016 3:42 PM | Anonymous

    As 2016 comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on achievements over the past year in the Canadian radon industry.  All across the country, CARST members and associate organizations worked hard to make 2016’s Radon Action Month the best yet, but our efforts weren’t limited to November alone! In the following paragraphs, we review some of the progress made over the past twelve months, but of course we’re already looking ahead to 2017.  If CARST had one wish for 2017, it would be that CARST members continue to see ever increasing benefits from all the groundwork we’ve been laying over the past few years.  As evidenced by the remarkable number of radon news items that went to press this past November, radon awareness is growing like never before. We’ll have to wait and see how this increased awareness translates into increased business opportunities and lung cancer prevention in 2017 and the years to come, but for the moment we can reflect on the past year and appreciate the progress we’ve made.

    Check out the tremendous list of articles from November 2016 on our website at:


    In Ontario CARST has focused on working with the Ontario Lung Association (OLA) and Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) in lobbying for radon in Residential Tenancy legislation and the Ontario Building Code, and assisting municipalities in recognizing their part in the radon issue. CARST funded booths at various trade shows and conferences throughout the province, funded OLA initiatives for public service announcements and provided insight and expertise into the development of their initiatives.

    In Alberta, CARST has worked to raise awareness by initiating a provincial radon group to identify and discuss issues.  Over the year, CARST has supported public awareness forums which targeted homeowners, physicians, and building officials, as well as working to encourage further school testing. C-NRPP certification is now required in Alberta school constructions, and the Alberta government is recommending C-NRPP professionals when conducting testing. And of course we look forward to the furthering momentum in the province with hosting our 2017 Radon Conference in Banff.

    In BC, CARST has worked with RadonAware and the BC Lung Association and participated in lobbying for the building code changes, and worked to increase awareness amongst homeowners, builders and school officials.  CARST has worked with the BC RadonAware and Home Builders’ Association in efforts to raise awareness on radon, measurement and building codes.

    In Saskatchewan, CARST has been a voice in the Saskatchewan Take Action on Radon Group and the Saskatchewan Lung Association.  This group has a lot of momentum, and it has been a pleasure to work with an enthusiastic group.

    In Manitoba, CARST has worked with the Manitoba Radon Stakeholder Group to identify issues and increase awareness efforts, and we have been able to provide increased awareness to government officials and homeowners.  C-NRPP has sponsored an award with the Manitoba Lung Association for a radon video contest, and is working with Manitoba Cancer Society to provide test kits to MLAs (provincial representatives) and to raise awareness in municipalities and has provided support to the Univerisity of Manitoba and First Nations as they are working to engage their residents in testing their homes.

    In Quebec, CARST/C-NRPP increased our profile with a booth at the CAPHI conference in Montreal, and by hosting the CARST 2016 conference in Montreal as well. Quebec has been an example to other provinces with their provincial strategy on radon, mandatory radon testing in schools and is now in the process of mitigating their schools.

    In the Maritime provinces, CARST has continued to work with the New Brunswick Lung Association to promote Radon Action Month.  We worked with CAREX to host a radon workshop in Halifax.  This November, free radon test kits were distributed in at least 10 Nova Scotia communities, and radon awareness across the region continues to grow.

    In the North, Whitehorse distributed free test kits to citizens while Yukon health officials urged residents to test for radon.  Radon Action Month was a success, with many news articles appearing and increased awareness.

    There are many groups that cross provincial borders as we work nationally with CAREX, Simon Fraser University, Health Canada, CELA and we are thankful for the amazing co-operative efforts with all these various groups across the country to be able to provide radon information.  CARST also attended the Federal Municipalities conference, where we spoke to some Quebec (as well as Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario) municipalities about being more engaged in radon for their residents.

    Day by day, week after week, it is the hard work and dedication of every one of you that has helped efforts of radon awareness and reaching the goals CARST set out when we started up 5 years ago.  With every news article, every lobbying effort, every community radon event, and each and every person we talk to, radon awareness in this country continues to grow.  As we take time to relax and connect over the holidays, we should take pride in the knowledge of what we’ve achieved.  And, as we turn our thoughts toward the new year, we should set our goals even higher, so that we may rise to reach them.  Wishing you all a safe and happy holiday season, and all the best for 2017!

  • 22 Dec 2016 3:32 PM | Anonymous

    En cette fin d’année 2016, nous voulons prendre un moment pour réfléchir à nos réalisations de la dernière année dans l’industrie canadienne du radon.  Partout au pays, les membres et les organizations associés de l’ACSTR ont travaillé ardemment pour faire du mois du radon 2016 le plus remarquable à ce jour, mais nos efforts ne se sont pas limités au seul mois de novembre! Dans le texte suivant, nous résumons quelques progrès accomplis au cours des douze derniers mois et déjà nous envisageons avec optimisme l’année 2017.  Si l’ACSTR formulait un voeu pour 2017, ce serait qu’on continue à voir les bienfaits et résultats  obtenus par le travail acharné des quelques dernières années; nous en avons déjà tant fait.  Nous devrons attendre et voir comment les efforts investis augmenteront la sensibilisation au radon et la prévention du cancer des poumons en 2017 et dans les années à venir, mais actuellement nous pouvons repenser à la dernière année et reconnaître les progrès accomplis.

    Consultez l’importante liste d’articles de novembre 2016 dans notre site web à:


    En Ontario, l’ACSTR a surtout travaillé avec l’association pulmonaire d’Ontario (Ontario Lung Association- OLA) et l’association canadienne du droit de l’environnement (ACDE) pour faire du lobbying sur le radon à propos de la législation sur la location résidentielle et le code du bâtiment de l’Ontario et pour aider les municipalités à reconnaître leur part de responsabilité sur le radon. L’ACSTR a financé des stands dans divers salons professionnels et des conférences à travers la province, des projets de l’OLA pour des annonces de services publics et a mis ses réflexions et son expertise au profit de la mise en œuvre de projets.

    En Alberta, l’ACSTR a contribué à stimuler la prise de conscience en créant un groupe provincial sur le radon pour identifier et discuter des problèmes.  Au cours de l’année, l’ACSTR a aussi appuyé des forums publics sur la sensibilisation à l’intention des propriétaires, des médecins et des administrateurs en construction  et a travaillé à encourager davantage l’évaluation des écoles. La certification PNCR-C est maintenant exigée en Alberta pour la construction d’écoles et le gouvernement albertain recommande que les professionnels du PNRC-C mènent les tests. Évidemment, nous envisageons positivement  l’instigation d’une initiative dans la province quand nous accueillerons notre Congrès 2017 sur le radon à Banff

    En C.B., l’ACSTR a participé au lobbying sur le changement au code du bâtiment et a travaillé à augmenter la conscientisation des propriétaires, des entrepreneurs et des administrateurs d’école.  L’ACSTR a collaboré avec l’inititiative RadonAware et l’association des constructeurs des maisons (Home Builders’ Association) de la C.B. dans ses efforts pour augmenter la prise de conscience sur le radon, les mesures du radon et le code du bâtiment.

    En Saskatchewan, l’ACSTR s’est exprimé au sein du groupe Occupe-toi du radon Saskatchewan.  Ce  groupe est très dynamique et il a été très agréable de travailler avec un groupe aussi enthousiaste.

    En Manitoba, l’ACSTR a collaboré avec un groupe provincial pour identifier les problèmes et augmenter les efforts de conscientisation et nous avons pu sensibiliser davantage les administrateurs gouvernementaux et les propriétaires.  Le PNCR-C travaille aussi avec des groupes du Manitoba pour fournir des trousses d’analyse au membres de l’assemblée législative provinciale et pour amener davantage les municipalités et les Premières Nations à inciter les résidents à vérifier leurs maisons.

    Au Québec, l’ACSTR et le PNCR-C ont augmenté leur visibilité en ayant un stand au congrès de ACIBII à Montréal et en accueillant aussi le congrès de l’ACSTR 2016 à Montréal. L’ACSTR a aussi assisté au congrès des municipalités fédérales, où nous avons discuté avec des représentants de quelques municipalités du Québec (de même que de l’Alberta, du Manitoba et de l’Ontario) pour les inciter à sensibiliser davantage leurs résidents sur le radon.  Le Québec est un modèle pour les autres provinces par sa stratégie provinciale sur le radon, l’analyse obligatoire du radon dans les écoles et  maintenant dans le processus d’atténuation du radon dans ses écoles.

    Dans les provinces de l’Atlantique, l’ACSTR a continué à travailler avec l’Association pulmonaire du Nouveau-Brunswick pour promouvoir le mois de sensibilisation au radon.  En novembre, des trousses d’analyse du radon ont été distribuées gratuitement dans au moins 10 communautés de la Nouvelle-Écosse et la sensibilisation au radon se fait plus grande dans la région.

    Dans le Nord, Whitehorse a distribué gratuitement des trousses de mesure du radon aux citoyens alors que les administrateurs de la santé du Yukon ont incité les résidents à faire les tests de radon.  Le mois de sensibilisation au radon a été un succès et plusieurs articles ont été publiés dans les journaux pour une plus grande sensibilisation.

    Jour après jour, semaine après semaine, c’est le travail acharné et l’implication de chacun de vous qui ont aidé à augmenter la sensibilisation au radon et à atteindre les objectifs que l’ACSTR s’était fixés à l’origine, il y a 5 ans.  Avec chaque article, chaque effort de lobbying,  chaque activité  communautaire sur le radon et avec chacune des personnes auxquelles nous parlons, la sensibilisation au radon continue à croître dans le pays.  Maintenant, pendant que nous commençons à relaxer et à nous réunir pendant la période des Fêtes, nous devrions être fiers de nos réalisations.  Et, en pensant à la prochaine année, nous devrions avoir de plus grands objectifs et tenter de les atteindre.  Nous vous souhaitons de très belles Fêtes et tous nos meilleurs voeux pour 2017!

  • 07 Dec 2016 4:20 PM | Anonymous

    The Canadian Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (CARST) is making efforts to encourage all citizens to join in the effort to advocate for changes to the building code.  Acceptance of proposed changes to Ontario Building Code (OBC) are governed by consensus.  Residents of Ontario need your help to protect their lives and health by ensuring radon testing is conducted in all new construction.  Every comment is an important vote!

    The Ontario Building Code is currently open for review on proposed changes and are accepting comments until December 20.  Please take time to add your comment now!

    If you would like to further educate yourself about the proposed changes to the OBC, we have provided links to the relevant sections:    Radon    Resistance to Air Leakage    Good Engineering Practice    Radon   Soil Gas Control   Required Soil Gas Control   Required Barrier to Air Leakage

    According to Public Health Ontario, almost 850 lung cancer deaths that occur each year in Ontario are attributable to radon (2)(Ontario Public Health, 2016), yet mandatory radon testing for all newly constructed buildings with residential occupancy is not in the current OBC.  

    Eleven (11) people, on average, in Ontario die annually from carbon monoxide poisoning (1)(Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs 2016).  Radon kills 77 times more people in Ontario every year than carbon monoxide.  Both inhalable gases (i.e. carbon monoxide, radon) are colourless and odourless and both gases pose a risk to almost all Canadians. Precedence has dictated that building code requirements are in place to protect 11 Ontario residents annually from death due to toxic carbon monoxide, so surely such protection is prudent to protect 850 Ontario residents annually, and future occupants, from death due to radon induced lung cancer.

    We would like to see that the changes to the OBC include mandatory radon testing and that the testing be completed by certified C-NRPP Measurement Professionals.

    To add your comments click here: http://www.mah.gov.on.ca/Page14994.aspx 

    The specific code change reference # is B-09-13-05.

    We are recommending that people add comments to state their support for mandatory radon testing after construction an occupancy with a certified C-NRPP  Measurement Professional.

    Works Cited in above:

    (1)Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs. (2016). Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs. Retrieved 11 27, 2016, from Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs: http://www.oafc.on.ca/carbon-monoxide

    (2)Ontario Public Health. (2016). Ontario Public Health. Retrieved 11 27, 2016, from Ontario Public Health: https://www.publichealthontario.ca/en/BrowseByTopic/EnvironmentalandOccupationalHealth/Pages/Radon-Burden-of-Illness.aspx

  • 14 Nov 2016 11:38 AM | Anonymous

    CARST’s focus for this year’s Radon Action Month is to help our members increase radon awareness in their communities.  To do this, we have developed a range of ideas and supporting materials and are providing them to you here.  We hope these ideas will inspire you to choose one or more interest groups in your community, and reach out and connect!

    You are welcome to download and print any of the following items yourself; if you’d like us to print the material and ship it to you please allow 2 weeks before the items will be delivered. 

    Check out information on the Take Action on Radon November 2, launch at the Ontario Science Centre, here.

    Municipal Outreach:

    Child Care Centers:

    As part of Radon Outreach we anticipate the release of a report on daycares by CAREX (CARcinogen EXposure Canada) and CPCHE (Canadian Partnership for Children’s Health & Environment); we will post the release to our Facebook and twitter account, you can also find the twitter feed on the front page of our website, so watch for it; this may be a good time to contact your local child care facility and encourage them to test for radon.

    Here are some tools to help you, including:
    • Easy to understand Pamphlet on Testing Child Care Centers
    • Postcards for parents
    • Posters to put up around the center
    • Sample letter for child care centers to send
    • Sample radon test record for keeping track of test data

    Workplace Information:

    As part of radon outreach, Pollution Probe is putting out a Radon Challenge encouraging workplaces to test for radon and to have their employees test for radon.
    • Click here for more information
    • Consider approaching local workplaces to do a “Lunch and Learn” or “Breakfast Break” session on radon for their employees

    Doctor’s Offices

    • Perhaps you can reach out to your own doctor or the doctors in your neighbourhood.  Take in with copies of “Radon is it in your Home” pamphlets; so they can make these available in their offices, and you can provide the staff with information on the MacHealth course that Health Canada has developed by giving them a radon.machealth.ca - Radon Education Program card.
    • You can order these from radon@hc-sc.gc.ca  or info@carst.ca (for a package of it all)

    CARST is also collaborating with other groups on the following areas to make changes happen:


    • We anticipate CAREX will soon be releasing a report on school testing.  CARST is working with various groups to make recommendations to provincial health officials on making a policy to test all the schools in the province.

    New Home Warranty Programs

    • CARST is working to protect new homeowners from high radon levels; we are preparing a letter to write to all the home warranty programs to ask if they would consider including radon as part of their coverage.

    Public Forums (check out our event page)

    • We work with various groups to get information sessions for public awareness; CARST has been working in Manitoba, Alberta and BC this fall, we will post dates on our website.  Let us know if you want support to have this happen in your area.

    That’s it for this month.  With so many ideas available, let’s all take our message to heart and make November the month we take action on radon!

  • 14 Nov 2016 11:31 AM | Anonymous

    Cette année, pour le mois de Occupe Toi du Radon, l’ACSTR vise à aider ses membres à augmenter la sensibilisation au radon dans leurs communautés.  Pour ce faire, l’ACSTR vous présente ici plusieurs suggestions et des documents d’accompagnement qu’elle a élaborés.  Nous espérons qu’ils vous inciteront à identifier un ou plusieurs groupes d’intérêt dans votre communauté, à communiquer avec eux et à établir des contacts!

    Vous êtes invités à télécharger et à imprimer vous-mêmes les documents suivants; si vous voulez que nous les imprimions et que nous vous les envoyions, veuillez accorder 2 semaines pour le délai de livraison.  

    Activités municipales:

    • Contactez le maire et le conseil de votre municipalité et encouragez-les à participer au mois de la sensibilisation au radon en vérifiant leur propre domicile et en parlant du radon lors d’une de leurs réunions du conseil


    Dans le cadre de la sensibilisation au radon, nous espérons publier le rapport de CAREX (Exposition aux agents cancérigènes au Canada) et PCSEE (le Partenariat canadien pour le santé des enfants et l’environnement) concernant les garderies; nous afficherons la publication dans nos comptes Facebook et Twitter.  Vous pouvez aussi accéder au fil Twitter sur la page d’accueil de notre site Web, alors surveillez-le; c’est peut-être aussi l’occasion de contacter votre garderie locale et de l’inciter à vérifier le niveau de radon dans son milieu.

    Voici quelques outils pour vous aider:

    • Document facile à comprendre concernant la vérification du radon dans les garderies
    • Cartes postales pour les parents
    • Affiches à disposer dans l’établissement
    • Un exemple d’une lettre que les garderies peuvent distribuer
    • Un exemple de rapport de vérification du radon pour faire le suivi des résultats des tests

    Information en milieu de travail:

    Dans le cadre de la sensibilisation au radon, l’organisation canadienne  <<Pollution Probe>> a interpellé les milieux de travail et leurs employés à vérifier les niveaux de radon.
    • Cliquez ici pour plus d’information
    • Songez à communiquer avec les milieux de travail locaux pour proposer un “Lunch & Learn” ou une séance “Pause déjeuner” pour sensibiliser les employés au radon

    Bureaux des médecins

    • Vous pourriez aussi sensibiliser votre propre médecin ou les médecins de votre communauté.  Apportez-lui des exemplaires de la brochure  “Du radon dans votre maison?” qu’il peut rendre disponible dans son bureau. Vous pouvez aussi informer le personnel du programme d’apprentissage sur le radon de MacHealth développé par Santé Canada en laissant la carte du programme d’apprentissage sur le radon de www.radon.machealth.ca.
    • Vous pouvez commander ces cartes à radon@hc-sc.gc.ca

    L'ACSTR travaille aussi dans les domaines suivants pour inciter aux changements:


    • Nous espérons que CAREX publiera bientôt son rapport sur la vérification des écoles.  L'ACSTR travaille avec divers groupes pour faire des recommandations  aux responsables provinciaux du domaine de la santé pour établir une politique de vérification dans toutes les écoles de la province.

    Programmes de garantie pour les nouvelles maisons

    • L'ACSTR travaille à protéger les nouveaux propriétaires contre des niveaux élevés de radon; nous nous préparons à écrire une lettre à tous les programmes de garantie pour les nouvelles maisons leur demandant s’ils envisageraient d’inclure le radon dans leur couverture.

    Forums publics

    • Nous collaborons avec divers groupes pour organiser des séances d’information afin de sensibiliser le public; l'ACSTR travaillera avec le Manitoba, l’Alberta et la Colombie-Britannique cet automne, nous afficherons les dates dans notre site Web.  Dites-le nous si vous voulez qu’on vous aide à organiser des évènements dans votre région.


    Voilà pour ce mois-ci.  Avec autant d’idées, prenons tous ce message à cœur et profitons de ce mois de novembre pour prendre des mesures concrètes contre le radon!



  • 15 Sep 2016 10:33 AM | Anonymous

    With great sadness, we want to share news with our CARST family on the passing of Arthur Scott.  We are saddened to learn that he passed away on Sunday, September 11, 2016 from a short, quick illness.  There will be a quiet family memorial service for him.

    In honour of the passing of Arthur Scott, CARST would like to recognize his contributions to the radon industry.  Arthur made significant contributions through his early design of the radon mitigation – active soil depressurization concept and continued through his life to share his expertise in radon mitigation and measurement.  We will miss your contributions and your wit, Arthur.

    We encourage you to post your thoughts, memories and best wishes here and we will share these with Arthur's family.  If you have more personal wishes you would like to pass on to the family, you can email info@carst.ca and we will compile these and pass them on as well.

  • 14 Sep 2016 3:35 PM | Anonymous

    Municipalities have a great opportunity to help in the campaign to raise awareness on radon risk in Canada.  We have some great examples of municipalities who are taking this seriously.  CARST has realized this optimal opportunity and are working to provide information to municipalities across the country in an effort to encourage more of them to join in the efforts of radon awareness.  We are encouraging others to join us in this effort.

    Chelsea, Quebec has used their resources to provide residents with information.  They have made information pamphlets available in their public library; town office and made test kits for radon in air and radon in water readily available to their residents through their town office.  They have also decided to undergo research on radon levels in their community.

    Guelph, Thunder Bay and Central Elgin in Ontario are three other municipalities who have taken initiative to take action to protect their residents from radon.  Each of these communities have developed construction standards for new buildings to include radon control measures.  

    CARST and other Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have been very active in connecting with municipalities to take action on the campaign to reduce Canadians radon exposure.  In response to members, CARST has looked at the Ontario building code and has sent to all the municipalities in Ontario, an opinion letter from a lawyer on their responsibility to protect their constituents with respect to section SB9 of the building code and radon.  We have encouraged municipalities to seek their own legal counsel on this and offered them some information on radon and assistance as required. You can email CARST for a copy of this letter - info@carst.ca

    If you are familiar with the mayor or a councilor in your municipality, we encouraged you to talk with them and discuss some suggestions as to how they can become more active in promoting radon awareness.  Here is a copy of a sample presentation that you can use if you are able to provide a presentation and a document with some suggestions and a CARST Pamphlet encouraging them to get involved.

    We are looking forward to seeing how the increase of awareness and prevention of lung cancer will grow at an exponential rate, once municipalities join the efforts.

  • 29 Jan 2014 2:15 PM | Anonymous


    It's here.  We are officially launching our new website.  One of the exciting parts of this website is a list of almost 90 professionals who are all committed to help us reduce radon levels for Canadians and the second best is the Radon News Online which lists articles that are online in regards to radon.  I remember when 4 a year was a success, so far we have had a list of five in January alone - pass on more when you see them so we can watch the list grow. 

    When I first started went to the US for training in Radon Measurement, no one in Canada seemed to know what I was talking about.  I remember my first trade show in Winnipeg, I had to stop people to tell them about radon and how they needed to protect themselves, but they seemed to think I was trying to sell them 'snake oil'.  Now, seven years later people are emailing and calling me to ask what to do about it, and the last trade show I was at, they were so glad to have finally found someone to give them answers.  WOW.  What a long way we have come. 

    I remember one of the first pre-CARST meetings when we were talking about vision and dreams for 'someday' Bob Wood mentioned wanting bill boards advertising radon across the country.  It seemed like a grand vision then, but now it seems like a possibility.

    I realize there are still some radon professionals who are struggling to make ends meet with their radon business and many other professionals that are wondering if radon is worth the cost and time to invest in.  Canadian homeowner's need you.  We have come this far as pioneers.  It has taken dedication and hard work, help us by continuing to share the news with homeowner's to protect them.  We need to continue to get information to homeowner's so they can make an informed decision about their health.  Help us get the word out.

    Help us help Canadians reduce their radon risk!!

    Voilà! Nous lançons officiellement notre nouveau site web. La partie la plus intéressante de ce site est une liste de près de 90 professionnels qui sont tous engagés à nous aider à réduire les niveaux de radon pour les Canadiens, et en second lieu les Nouvelles en ligne sur le radon. Cette section répertorie les articles en ligne qui concernent le radon. Je me souviens que 4 articles en ligne par année était un succès, jusqu’à maintenant nous avons 5 articles en janvier seulement. Si vous nous transmettez des articles dès que vous les voyez, nous verrons tous grossir cette liste.

    Quand je suis allé aux USA pour le cours en mesure du radon, personne au Canada ne semblait savoir ce dont je parlais. Je me souviens de mon premier salon commercial à Winnipeg, je devais arrêter les gens pour leur parler au sujet du radon et de la nécessité de se protéger mais ils  semblaient penser que je voulais leur vendre de la « poudre de perlimpinpin ». Aujourd’hui, sept ans plus tard, les gens m’envoient des emails et me téléphonent pour me demander ce qu’il faut faire et lors de mon dernier salon commercial les gens étaient contents d’avoir enfin trouvé quelqu’un pouvant répondre à leurs questions. WOW ! Que de chemin parcouru.

    Je me souviens d’une des premières réunions précédent CARST/ACSTR quand nous parlions de vision et de rêves pour le futur, Bob Wood a dit qu’il voulait des panneaux d’affichage publicitaires sur le radon à travers le pays. Ça semblait alors un grand rêve mais maintenant ça semble possible.

    Je sais qu’il y a encore des professionnels du radon qui peinent à joindre les deux bouts avec leur entreprise de radon et que de nombreux autres se demandent si l’investissement pour le radon en temps et argent en valent la peine. Les propriétaires canadiens ont besoin de vous. Nous avons fait tout ce chemin de pionniers, il a fallu du dévouement et du travail acharné, aidez-nous en continuant à partager l’information aux propriétaires en vue de leur protection. Nous devons continuer à transmettre l’information aux propriétaires afin qu’ils puissent prendre une décision éclairée au sujet de leur santé. Aidez-nous à passer le message.

    Aidez-nous à aider les Canadiens à réduire leur risque au radon!

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